Moody Street Circus, Zoe Isadora, aerialist

Aerial arts at Moody Street Circus

Did you know there is a circus studio in Waltham with loads of silks and trapezes hung from great soaring ceilings? I brought a backdrop and a couple of lights to photograph Zoe Isadora and her mama, the mistresses of the studio. So they just did their amazing things and I tried to catch those moments! So beautiful, so strong. Power and grace!

I’m including also some where Melina stepped in to assist, usually to keep Zoe from spinning so I could get a better shot of her face. I really like these “outtake” shots that show their interactions.

It felt like such a luxury to have this unfolding in front of me and be able to light it and to be where I wanted, instead of trying to be unobtrusive during a show. Gorgeous!